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This Law only applies to agricultural or horticultural seeds intended for marketing and not for export to a third country. The Law concerns: seed production and preservation of the variety; seed production licence; genetically modified varieties and related techniques; seeds used for agricultural production; certification; plant species; plant genetic resources. Matters covered by this Law include: terms, duration and revocation of seed license; preparation of national lists of plant and seed varieties; cross-pollination control; labelling in case of seed treatment with poisonous substance or poisonous material; notification of import or transfer of conventional maize seed lot; controls and inspection; offences and penalties; imposition of administrative fines; Ministerial power to issue Regulations concerning: conditions for the issue or renewal of seed licenses, the definition of lists of varieties, definition of methods of seed sampling, conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of plant genetic resources.
The Seeds Law no. 63/I of 1998.
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