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Case to seek the declaration of nullity of the dispositions to grant licenses, mandatory revocation of the licenses, and revocation of the dispositions to renew the licenses
Asia and the Pacific
Type of document:
National - higher court
Date of text:
July 30, 2012
Data source:
Court name:
Supreme Court of Japan
Seat of court:
Okabe; Otani; Ohashi; Kiuchi;Yamasaki
Reference number:
2012 (Gyo-Hi) 267
ECOLEX subject(s):
Waste & hazardous substances

This case concerned residents living in the area surrounding an industrial waste final disposal site.

The governor of the Miyazaki Prefecture granted permission to a company collecting, transporting and disposing of industrial waste to establish an industrial waste treatment facility.
Appellants living in the area surrounding the disposal site sought revocation of the licenses granted to the company. The lower court determined that the appellants did not have standing to seek this revocation based on the argument that there was no evidence that the industrial waste disposal facility could cause harm to the appellant’s health and living environment.

The Supreme Court overruled this judgement by deciding that all appellants living within 1.8 kilometres of the facility had standing to seek revocation of the licenses obtained by the industrial waste disposal company. This is based on the finding that damages to their health or living environment due to issues arising from the discharge of hazardous substances from the disposal site, such as air and water pollution, soil contamination and offensive odor, could be expected.
However, those appellants living at least 20 kilometres away from the site, in an area not covered by the Environmental Impact Survey report, did not have standing, because it was not likely that they would suffer any damage to their health or living environment.