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Mkome Nyang'Ombe versus the Republic
United Republic of Tanzania
Type of document:
National - higher court
Date of text:
May 19, 2015
Data source:
Court name:
Court of Appeal
Seat of court:
Massati; Oriyo; Mmilla
Reference number:
No. 50 of 2014
ECOLEX subject(s):
Wild species & ecosystems

The appellant was convicted by the trial court on three counts and acquitted on one count. Aggrieved by the decision he appealed to the high court which upheld the decision of the trial court.

He then appealed to the Court of appeal on the following grounds: (1) that, the trial and first appellate courts erred in law and fact to rely on the prosecution’s evidence in which the complainant did not testify, (2) that, the trial and first appellate courts erred in failing to detect that the Public Prosecutor (PP) in the case was below the rank required to prosecute economic offences, (3) the trial and the first appellate courts erred in law and fact by relying on exhibit P3, certificate of identification and valuation of trophies, contrary to the relevant laws, (4) that, the trial and the first appellate courts erred in law and fact by neglecting the appellant’s strong defence and (5) that, the case under appeal was not proved beyond reasonable doubts.

The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal.