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Adaptation to Climate Change


The Conference of the Parties


  1. Adopts the Strategic Agenda on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Carpathian Region;
  2. Welcomes the outcomes of the CARPIVIA, CarpathCC and CarpathClim projects;
  3. Gives mandate to the Secretariat to participate and to promote the Carpathian Convention during the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change COP20 at the Mountain Pavilion, in Lima, Peru in December 2014;
  4. Welcomes the outcomes of the Workshop on Adaptation to Climate Change organized in the frame of the Alpine-Carpathian Partnership, in Vienna, Austria in March 2014;
  5. Encourages future cooperation activities with the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River on climate change adaptation.
  6. Welcomes the support of Hungary to the Working Group on Adaptation to Climate Change;