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DECISION COP4/7 Cultural heritage and traditional knowledge Article 11 of the Carpathian Convention The Conference of the Parties
1. Underlines the importance of the implementation of provisions of the Carpathian Convention Article 11 on cultural heritage and traditional knowledge; Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians 9
2. Notes the progress achieved towards the development of the draft Protocol on Cultural Heritage, and the work done under the auspices of the Working Group on Cultural Heritage and Traditional Knowledge;
3. Calls for enhanced cooperation coordinated by the Working Group on Cultural Heritage and Traditional Knowledge to achieve the objectives of the Article 11 of the Carpathian Convention’.
4. Encourages the Working Group on Cultural Heritage and Traditional Knowledge to further develop, in consultation with relevant institutions and local stakeholders, the draft Protocol on Cultural Heritage and a proposal for a corresponding Strategic Action Plan and takes note in this respect of the Working Group’s Road Map, and requests the Secretariat to facilitate the process;
5. Expresses its gratitude to the Ekopsychologia Association and UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre within the project “Carpathians Unite – mechanism of consultation and cooperation for implementation of the Carpathian Convention", supported by Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union, for their contribution to the development of the Protocol;
6. Reiterates the invitation to National Focal Points to continue actions to inform and cooperate with the competent ministries and sectors responsible for cultural heritage and traditional knowledge and calls upon them to be involved in this work;
7. Appreciates the outcomes of the pastoral event called “Carpathian Sheep Transhumance 2013”.