Treaty Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds Meeting 8th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to AEWA Type Resolution Status Adopted Skip to full text Visit on MEA website Share meeting Keywords Standing committees From the same meeting AEWA/MOP8/Res. 8.3State of Implementation of AEWA and its Strategic Plan 2019-2027 AEWA/MOP8/Res. 8.2Adoption of Amendments to the AEWA Annexes AEWA/MOP8/Res. 8.1Procedure for Submission of Proposals for Amendments to the Agreement AEWA/MOP8/Res. 8.16Ecotourism and Waterbird Conservation AEWA/MOP8/Res. 8.15Addressing Causes of Waterbird Mortality AEWA/MOP8/Res. 8.14Tribute to the Organisers Pagination Page 1 Next page Next Browse all decisions Other meetings There are no decisions related to this meeting. Pagination Browse all meetings