Having regard to the Basel Declaration on Environmentally Sound Management,
Having considereddecision VII/3 on partnership with environmental non-governmental organizations and with the industry and business sectors,
Recalling its decision VI/31 on sustainable partnership for the environmentally sound management of end-of-life mobile phones,
Taking note with appreciation of the initiative taken by the President of the Expanded Bureau of the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to establish a sustainable partnership on the environmentally sound management of end-of-life mobile phones,
Welcoming the work of the mobile phone working group and various project groups that deal with refurbishment, collection, transboundary movements, recycling and awareness raising,
Welcoming also the financial contributions made by Australia, Japan, Switzerland and Shields Environmental Group (UK) and in-kind contributions made by Parties, signatories, mobile phone manufacturers and other stakeholders,
Noting the great efforts that have been made by Parties, industry and other stakeholders to prepare various project reports and an overall guidance document on environmentally sound management of end-of-life mobile phones,
Noting also that additional effort and greater participation from all Parties and stakeholders is necessary to finalize those reports,
Acknowledging that the partnership with environmental non-governmental organizations and with the industry and business sectors has the capacity to contribute to the environmentally sound management of end-of life products and should assist in the promotion of sustainable consumption and production patterns as endorsed in the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development,
1.Encourages all Basel Convention regional centres actively to participate in the Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative;
2.Invites comments on the overall guidance document and individual project group reports, to be submitted to the Secretariat of the Basel Convention by 31 December 2004;
3.Requests the mobile phone working group to finalize the overall guidance document and individual project reports and then to submit the overall guidance document to the Open-ended Working Group at its fourth session for consideration and provisional adoption as a Basel Convention guidance document;
4.Also requests the Open-ended Working Group to submit the overall guidance document to the Conference of the Parties at its eighth meeting for final adoption;
5.Decides that the mobile phone working group continue to work under the guidance of the Open-ended Working Group;
6.Invites further the Parties and signatories to implement the final overall guidance document and individual project group reports when establishing collection, refurbishment or recycling projects;
7.Requests the Secretariat:
(a)To continue to coordinate the activities of the mobile phone working group and various project groups;
(b)To initiate, at an appropriate time, one or several pilot projects on collection schemes in areas and regions in need of such projects, using funds provided by mobile phone working group participants, and, where appropriate, to involve the Basel Convention regional centres;
(c)To report regularly to the Open-ended Working Group and finally to the Conference of the Parties at its eighth meeting on the progress made;
8.Also invites Parties, signatories, members of industry and international governmental and non‑governmental organizations to make financial and in-kind contributions for the implementation of pilot projects on collection and treatment schemes and for the publication of final reports of the mobile phone working group, including the overall guidance document.