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9. The Bureau deferred the following requests either because the properties to which they related were not included or recommended for the World Heritage List or further clarifications were required:
- Dey's Palace
- Qal'ah of Beni Hammad
- Citadel Quarter of Setif
- Bale Mountain National Park
- Abijatta Shalla Lakes National Park
Further elements of the technical co-opertaion requests for these sites have to be established first by a preparatory assistance mission which has been granted for Simien National Park and will be now extended to the other two sites.
Syrian Arab Republic:
- Ancient City of Damascus
- Ancient City of Aleppo
- Ancient Town of Bosra
- Site of Palmyra
The Bureau was of the opinion that equipement that could be obtained locally, such as lorries etc, should not be provided under the Fund.