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The Conference of the Parties
- Recalling paragraph 3 of decision COP4/2, welcomes the detailed information provided by the Parties on the administrative units within which they implement the Carpathian Convention and its Protocols, encourages the Parties with support of the Secretariat to publish and disseminate this information, including to local and regional stakeholders involved in the implementation of the Carpathian Convention in the region;
- Recalling paragraph 1 and 2 of decision COP4/2 reiterates the importance of cooperation of spatial planning / development local and regional authorities of the Carpathian countries on issues relevant for spatial planning to achieve the territorial cohesion of the Carpathian region, and the crucial role of local and regional administrations and their spatial planning/development authorities in the successful implementation of the Carpathian Convention and its Protocols and invites them to pursue and strengthen their efforts, and to cooperate among each other.