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Target 13.1

Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries
Sustainable Development Goals
Alignments and linkages
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Strategic Objective 3:
To mitigate, adapt to, and manage the effects of drought in order to enhance resilience of vulnerable populations and ecosystems.
Target 16:
Wetlands conservation and wise use are mainstreamed through communication, capacity development, education, participation and awareness.
Target 19:
Capacity building for implementation of the Convention and the 4th Ramsar Strategic Plan 2016 – 2024 is enhanced.
Target 6:
There is a significant increase in area, numbers and ecological connectivity in the Ramsar Site network, in particular under-represented types of wetlands including in under-represented ecoregions and Transboundary Sites.
Target 7:
Sites that are at risk of change of ecological character have threats addressed.
Target 3.4:
By 2032, the impact of climate change on migratory species and their habitats is reduced through mitigation and adaptation, including through nature-based solutions and/or ecosystem-based approaches and disaster risk reduction actions, while minimizing negative and fostering positive impacts on biodiversity. Explanation: Actions to eliminate or mitigate the negative impacts of climate change on migratory species are identified. This also includes the research and promotion of conservation and management tools applied to migratory species and the ecosystem services they provide, such as the enhancement of mitigation and adaptation against climate change.