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The Act makes provision for the Agricultural Land Settlement Board and for the lease of agricultural land by public authorities in the framework of development of agriculture and the control on the use of land.
The 53 sections of this Act are divided into 7 Parts: Preliminary (I); Agricultural Land Settlement Board (II); Functions of the Board (IIa); Land Settlement (III); Control and Occupation of Agricultural Land (IV); Agricultural Land Settlement Appeal Board (V); General (VI).
The Agricultural Land Settlement Board shall consider and report on all applications for leases of holdings in terms of this Act (sect. 6L). The Minister of Lands and Water Resources may establish schemes for the settlement of persons or alienation to such persons of agricultural land, for the training of persons in agriculture and agricultural development in general, and for objects incidental to or connected with any object aforementioned (sect. 7). The Minister may give orders to owners or lessees (sect. 22) or occupiers (sect. 23) with respect to occupation. An Agricultural Land Settlement Appeal Board is established under section 30. It shall determine all appeals made to it in terms of this Act.
The Act makes provision for the Agricultural Land Settlement Board and for the lease of agricultural land by public authorities in the framework of development of agriculture and the control on the use of land.
Consolidated version of Act 59/1969 as amended last by Act No. 13 of 2002.
Agricultural Land Settlement Act [Chapter 20:01].
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