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This Act concerns rural land. The Act consists of 15 sections divided into 4 Parts: Preliminary (I); Acquisition and Alienation of State Land (II); Occupation of Land by Person Other Than Owner Not Involving Subdivision (III); General (IV).
Communal land and other specified types of land are excluded from the operation of this Act (sect. 3). Section 5 provides for the acquisition of land by the State; section 6 for the alienation of State land. Land may be leased or alienated to a single individual or to a single corporate body but not to two or more persons jointly without the consent of the appropriate Minister (sect. 8). Private land shall not be leased for cultivation if not properly demarcated (sect. 9). No cultivation on the basis of share-cropping shall be permitted by the owner on land to which this Act applies unless an agreement in writing and approved by the Minister is in place (sect. 10). The Act is completed by a Schedule made under section 12 and listing matters to which the Appropriate Minister shall give consideration in exercising any duty, function or power conferred in Part III.
This Act concerns rural land. The Act consists of 15 sections divided into 4 Parts: Preliminary (I); Acquisition and Alienation of State Land (II); Occupation of Land by Person Other Than Owner Not Involving Subdivision (III); General (IV).
Consolidated version of Act No. 47 of 1963 as amended last by Act No. 13 of 2002.
Rural Land Act [Chapter 20:18].
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