A collective expression for those components of the atmosphere that influence the greenhouse effect, namely carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides, ozone, CFCs and water vapour. (Source: GEMET/GILP96)
A collective term, sometimes abbreviated GHG, used for any atmospheric infrared radiation produced by solar warming of the Earth's surface. They include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (NO2), and water vapor. (Source: draft based on Wikipedia)
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Greenhouse gases
gaz à effet de serre
газ, способствующий парниковому эффекту
غاز مسبب للاحتباس الحراري
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Multilateral environment agreements tagged with gases de efecto de invernadero
You can see below a list of multilateral environment agreements. Use the links on the right to
view the content tagged with
gases de efecto de invernadero. This includes official treaty texts, decisions, recommendations, and other related
informational documents such as publications, annuals, meetings, documents or reports.
Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica | 1 decision | |
Convenio de Viena | 1 article or paragraph | |
Protocolo de Montreal | 13 articles and paragraphs2 decisions | |
Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático | 1 article or paragraph18 decisions | |
Protocolo de Kyoto | 8 decisions | |
Convención sobre los Humedales | 1 decision | |
United Nations Environment Assembly | 1 decision |