Any monetary grant made by the government to an economic sector with the aim of lowering the market price of some service or product and making it readily affordable to the public. (Source: GEMET-MGHME / RHW, edited MMA)
Broader: instrumento económico
Narrower: subsidio pernicioso
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Multilateral environment agreements tagged with subsidio
You can see below a list of multilateral environment agreements. Use the links on the right to
view the content tagged with
subsidio. This includes official treaty texts, decisions, recommendations, and other related
informational documents such as publications, annuals, meetings, documents or reports.
Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres | 2 decisions | |
Protocolo de Montreal | 1 decision | |
Acuerdo sobre la Conservación de las Aves Acuáticas Migratorias Afro-euroasiáticas | 2 decisions | |
Convención sobre la Protección del Patrimonio Mundial | 44 decisions | |
Convención sobre los Humedales | 3 decisions | |
Protocolo de Emergencia | 1 decision | |
Convenio de los Cárpatos | 1 decision |