(a) “Convention” means the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution, adopted at Barcelona on 16 February 1976;
(d) “Activities concerning exploration and/or exploitation of the resources in the Protocol Area” (hereinafter referred to as “activities”) means:
– Establishment of an installation for the purpose of recovering resources, and activities connected therewith;
(f) “Installation” means any fixed or floating structure, and any integral part thereof, that is engaged in activities, including, in particular:
(iv) Offshore loading terminals and transport systems for the extracted products, such as submarine pipelines;
(v) Apparatus attached to it and equipment for the reloading, processing, storage and disposal of substances removed from the seabed or its subsoil;
(i) Any natural or juridical person who is authorized by the Party exercising jurisdiction over the area where the activities are undertaken (hereinafter referred to as the “Contracting Party”) in accordance with this Protocol to carry out activities and/or who carries out such activities; or
(ii) Any person who does not hold an authorization within the meaning of this Protocol but is de facto in control of such activities;
(h) “Safety zone” means a zone established around installations in conformity with the provisions of general international law and technical requirements, with appropriate markings to ensure the safety of both navigation and the installations;
(i) “Wastes” means substances and materials of any kind, form or description resulting from activities covered by this Protocol which are disposed of or are intended for disposal or are required to be disposed of;
(j) “Harmful or noxious substances and materials” means substances and materials of any kind, form or description, which might cause pollution, if introduced into the Protocol Area;
(k) “Chemical Use Plan” means a plan drawn up by the operator of any offshore installation which shows:
(iii) The maximum concentrations of the chemicals which the operator intends to use within any other substances, and maximum amounts intended to be used in any specified period;
(l) “Oil” means petroleum in any form including crude oil, fuel oil, oily sludge, oil refuse and refined products and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes the substances listed in the Appendix to this Protocol;
(ii) Drainage from medical premises (dispensary, sick bay, etc.) via wash basins, wash tubs and scuppers located in such premises;
(o) “Garbage” means all kinds of food, domestic and operational waste generated during the normal operation of the installation and liable to be disposed of continuously or periodically, except those substances which are defined or listed
elsewhere in this Protocol;
(a) The Mediterranean Sea Area as defined in Article 1 of the Convention, including the continental shelf and the seabed and its subsoil;
(b) Waters, including the seabed and its subsoil, on the landward side of the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured and extending, in the case of watercourses, up to the freshwater limit.
(a) A survey concerning the effects of the proposed activities on the environment; the competent authority may, in the light of the nature, scope, duration and technical methods employed in the activities and of the characteristics of the area, require that an environmental impact assessment be prepared in accordance with Annex IV to this Protocol;
(b) The precise definition of the geographical areas where the activity is envisaged, including safety zones;
(c) Particulars of the professional and technical qualifications of the candidate operator and personnel on the installation, as well as of the composition of the crew;
(i) The insurance or other financial security to cover liability as prescribed in Article 27, paragraph 2 (b).
(ii) For production water, a maximum oil content of 40 mg per litre as an average in any calendar month; the content shall not at any time exceed 100 mg per litre;
(c) The Parties shall determine by common agreement which method will be used to analyze the oil content.
(a) The installation is discharging sewage after treatment as approved by the competent authority at a distance of at least four nautical miles from the nearest land or fixed fisheries installation, leaving the Contracting Party to decide on a case by case basis; or
(b) The sewage is not treated, but the discharge is carried out in accordance with international rules and standards; or
(c) The sewage has passed through an approved sewage treatment plant certified by the competent authority.
(a) All plastics, including but not limited to synthetic ropes, synthetic fishing nets and plastic garbage bags;
(b) All other non-biodegradable garbage, including paper products, rags, glass, metal, bottles, crockery, dunnage, lining and packing materials.
(a) Operators dispose satisfactorily of all wastes and harmful or noxious substances and materials in designated onshore reception facilities, except as otherwise authorized by the Protocol;
on condition that all reasonable precautions have been taken after the damage is discovered or after the disposal has been performed to reduce the negative effects.
(b) The discharge into the sea of substances containing oil or harmful or noxious substances or materials which, subject to the prior approval of the competent authority, are being used for the purpose of combating specific pollution incidents in order to minimize the damage due to the pollution.
(ii) The elaboration of special provisions in such areas concerning monitoring, removal of installations and prohibition of any discharge.
(a) Establish appropriate scientific criteria for the formulation and elaboration of international rules, standards and recommended practices and procedures for achieving the aims of this Protocol;
(b) Formulate and elaborate such international rules, standards and recommended practices and procedures;
(c) Formulate and adopt guidelines in accordance with international practices and procedures to ensure observance of the provisions of Annex VI.
(a) Shall take all measures necessary to ensure that liability for damage caused by activities is imposed on operators, and they shall be required to pay prompt and adequate compensation;
(d) Approve the treatment system and certify the sewage treatment plant referred to in Article 11, paragraph 1, of this Protocol;
(e) Give the prior approval for exceptional discharges referred to in Article 14, paragraph 1 (b), of this Protocol;
(f) Carry out the duties regarding safety measures referred to in Article 15, paragraphs 3 and 4, of this Protocol;
(g) Perform the functions relating to contingency planning described in Article 16 and Annex VII to this Protocol;
(a) To keep under review the implementation of this Protocol and to consider the efficacy of the measures adopted and the advisability of any other measures, in particular in the form of annexes and appendices;
(c) To consider the information concerning authorizations granted or renewed in accordance with Section II of this Protocol;
(d) To consider the information concerning the permits issued and approvals given in accordance with Section III of this Protocol;
(e) To adopt the guidelines referred to in Article 9, paragraph 2, and Article 23, paragraph 1 (c), of this Protocol;
(f) To consider the records of the contingency plans and means of intervention in emergencies adopted in accordance with Article 16 of this Protocol;
(g) To establish criteria and formulate international rules, standards and recommended practices and procedures in accordance with Article 23, paragraph 1, of this Protocol, in whatever form the Parties may agree;
(h) To facilitate the implementation of the policies and the achievement of the objectives referred to in Section V, in particular the harmonization of national and European Community legislation in accordance with Article 23, paragraph 2, of this Protocol;
4. Organophosphorus compounds and substances which may form such compounds in the marine environment *
7. Persistent synthetic materials which may float, sink or remain in suspension and which may interfere with any legitimate use of the sea
8. Substances having proven carcinogenic, teratogenic or mutagenic properties in or through the marine environment
9. Radioactive substances, including their wastes, if their discharges do not comply with the principles of radiation protection as defined by the competent international organizations, taking into account the protection of the marine environment
2. Lead
3. Copper
4. Zinc
5. Beryllium
6. Nickel
7. Vanadium
8 Chromium
9. Biocides and their derivatives not covered in Annex I
10. Selenium
11. Antimony
12. Molybdenum
13. Titanium
14. Tin
15. Barium (other than barium sulphate)
16. Boron
17. Uranium
18. Cobalt
19. Thallium
20. Tellurium
21. Silver
22. Cyanides
(a) A description of the geographical boundaries of the area within which the activities are to be carried out, including safety zones where applicable;
(d) A description of the methods, installations and other means to be used, possible alternatives to such methods and means;
(e) A description of the foreseeable direct or indirect short and long-term effects of the proposed activities on the environment, including fauna, flora and the ecological balance;
(f) A statement setting out the measures proposed for reducing to the minimum the risk of damage to the environment as a result of carrying out the proposed activities, including possible alternatives to such measures;
(g) An indication of the measures to be taken for the protection of the environment from pollution and other adverse effects during and after the proposed activities;
(i) An indication of whether the environment of any other State is likely to be affected by the proposed activities.
(a) The use and disposal of such drilling fluids shall be subject to the Chemical Use Plan and the provisions of Article 9 of this Protocol;
(b) The disposal of the drill cuttings shall either be made on land or into the sea in an appropriate site or area as specified by the competent authority.
(a) Such fluids shall only be used if they are of a sufficiently low toxicity and only after the operator has been issued a permit by the competent authority when it has verified such low toxicity;
(c) The disposal of the drill cuttings into the sea is only permitted on condition that efficient solids control equipment is installed and properly operated, that the discharge point is well below the surface of the water, and that the oil content is less than 100 grams of oil per kilogram dry cuttings;
(e) In case of production and development drilling, a programme of seabed sampling and analysis relating to the zone of contamination must be undertaken.
(a) That the installation must be safe and fit for the purpose for which it is to be used, in particular, that it must be designed and constructed so as to withstand, together with its maximum load, any natural condition, including, more specifically, maximum wind and wave conditions as established by historical weather patterns, earthquake possibilities, seabed conditions and stability, and water depth;
(b) That all phases of the activities, including storage and transport of recovered resources, must be properly prepared, that the whole activity must be open to control for safety reasons and must be conducted in the safest possible way, and that the operator must apply a monitoring system for all activities;
(c) That the most advanced safety systems must be used and periodically tested in order to minimize the dangers of leakages, spillages, accidental discharges, fire, explosions, blow-outs or any other threat to human safety or the environment, that a trained specialized crew to operate and maintain these systems must be present and that this crew must undertake periodic exercises. In the case of authorized not permanently manned installations, the permanent availability of a specialized crew shall be ensured;
(d) That the installation and, where necessary, the established safety zone, must be marked in accordance with international recommendations so as to give adequate warning of its presence and sufficient details for its identification;
(e) That in accordance with international maritime practice, the installations must be indicated on charts and notified to those concerned;
(f) That, in order to secure observance of the foregoing provisions, the person and/or persons having the responsibility for the installation and/or the activities, including the person responsible for the blow-out preventer, must have the qualifications required by the competent authority, and that sufficient qualified staff must be permanently available. Such qualifications shall include, in particular, training, on a continuing basis, in safety and environmental matters.
(a) That the most appropriate alarm system and communication system are available at the installation and they are in good working order;
(b) That the alarm is immediately raised on the occurrence of an emergency and that any emergency is immediately communicated to the competent authority;
(c) That, in coordination with the competent authority, transmission of the alarm and appropriate assistance and coordination of assistance can be organized and supervised without delay;
(d) That immediate information about the nature and extent of the emergency is given to the crew on the installation and to the competent authority;
(e) That the competent authority is constantly informed about the progress of combating the emergency;
(f) That at all times sufficient and most appropriate materials and equipment, including stand-by boats and aircraft, are available to put into effect the emergency plan;
(g) That the most appropriate methods and techniques are known to the specialized crew referred to in Annex VI, paragraph (c), in order to combat leakages, spillages, accidental discharges, fire, explosions, blow-outs and any other threat to human life or the environment;
(h) That the most appropriate methods and techniques are known to the specialized crew responsible for reducing and preventing long-term adverse effects on the environment;
(i) That the crew is thoroughly familiar with the operator’s contingency plan, that periodic emergency exercises are held so that the crew has a thorough working knowledge of the equipment and procedures and that each individual knows exactly his role within the plan.
(a) The coordination of the national contingency plan and/or procedures and the operator’s contingency plan and control of the conduct of actions, especially in case of significant adverse effects of the emergency;
(b) Direction to the operator to take any action it may specify in the course of preventing, abating or combating pollution or in the preparation of further action for that purpose, including placing an order for a relief drilling rig, or to prevent the operator from taking any specified action;
(c) The coordination of actions in the course of preventing, abating or combating pollution or in preparation for further action for that purpose within the national jurisdiction with such actions undertaken within the jurisdiction of other States or by international organizations;
(d) Collection and ready availability of all necessary information concerning the existing activities;
(e) The provision of an up-to-date list of the persons and entities to be alerted and informed about an emergency, its development and the measures taken;
(f) The collection of all necessary information concerning the extent and means of combating contingencies, and the dissemination of this information to interested Parties;
(g) The coordination and supervision of the assistance referred to in Part A above, in cooperation with the operator;
(h) The organization and if necessary, the coordination of specified actions, including intervention by technical experts and trained personnel with the necessary equipment and materials;
(i) Immediate communication to the competent authorities of other Parties which might be affected by a contingency to enable them to take appropriate measures where necessary;
Crude Oil
Mixtures containing crude oil
Diesel Oil
Fuel Oil No. 4
Fuel Oil No. 5
Fuel Oil No. 6
Residual Fuel Oil
Road Oil
Transformer Oil
Aromatic Oil (excluding vegetable oil)
Lubricating Oils and Blending Stocks
Mineral Oil
Motor Oil
Penetrating Oil
Spindle Oil
Turbine Oil