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A species or lower taxon of wild animals of which the entire population or any geographically separate part of the population cyclically and predictably cross one or more national jurisdictional boundaries. (CMS, Art. 1). The word 'cyclically' relates to a cycle of any nature, such as astronomical (circadian, annual etc.), life or climatic, and of any frequency; (ii) The word 'predictably' implies that a phenomenon can be anticipated to recur in a given set of circumstances, though not necessarily regularly in time (CMS, Res. 11.33) (Source: CMS)

In other languages

Migratory species
мигрирующие виды
especies migratorias
أنواع مهاجرة

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Follow up the links below to see InforMEA content related to espèce migratrice coming up from several external sources.

Multilateral environment agreements tagged with espèce migratrice

You can see below a list of multilateral environment agreements. Use the links on the right to view the content tagged with espèce migratrice. This includes official treaty texts, decisions, recommendations, and other related informational documents such as publications, annuals, meetings, documents or reports.
Convention sur la conservation des espèces migratrices
Convention de Stockholm
Accord sur la conservation des oiseaux d'eau migrateurs d'Afrique-Eurasie
Convention sur les zones humides
Accord relatif à la Conservation des Chauves-Souris en Europe

Learning resources

Diversité biologique
espèce migratrice


CMS Global Action for Migratory Animals